Infrared Search System

Infrared Search Systems are wide field of view surveillance systems, designed for autonomous search, detection, classification and prioritization of potential targets, passively.
These systems are able to automatic detect and manual track multiple targets on ground, sea and air background such as quadcopter, UAV, human, car and etc.

Our company propose IRSS systems that provide a permanent 360° panoramic day and night air and surface surveillance without any blind sector. These systems consist of two independent sensor heads directly mounted on the structure. Each sensor head incorporates in development of thermal imaging sensors, allowing long range detection at a high surveillance rate.

Types of Infrared Search system

IRSS-16 is an infrared search system that can detect atomically and tracking manually multiple targets on ground, sea and air back ground. They are totally passive, so they are not detected by the target. The system consists of one IR sensor and one visible sensor.

IRSS-162 is an infrared search system that can detect atomically and tracking manually multiple targets on ground, sea and air back ground. They are totally passive, so they are not detected by the target. The system consists of one IR sensor, one visible sensor and range finder.

Infrared Search System Applications

Harbor Protection

Border Security

Border Security